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Posted by KAM TUNG IP
Posted by KAM TUNG IP
Posted by KAM TUNG IP
Have you marked your calendars for April 8, 2024? If not, it's time to do so because we're in for a celestial treat - a Total Solar Eclipse! Who wouldn't be excited about seeing the sun disappear behind the moon? It's a rare spectacle that's sure to leave you with a gasp.
Before you start planning your eclipse viewing party, let's talk a little about safety. Remember, staring directly at the sun, even during an eclipse, can cause serious damage to your eyes.
Posted by KAM TUNG IP
Recap the ocular health problems that may arise from over exposure to the sun's strong UV rays here. It is important to protect ourselves under sunlight. UV is at its highest when and where the sun’s rays are the strongest. It will be the highest around noon on a clear sunny day, even more so during summer months. UV levels are higher near reflective surfaces, such as snow or sand. Block UV with protective clothing. Wear a wide brim hat. Sunglasses must have 100% UV400 protection. The American Academy of Ophthalmology notes that many individuals forget to wear sunglasses that have...
Posted by KAM TUNG IP
With summer in full swing, it is the perfect time to go outdoors and enjoy the hot sunny weather. But, are you protecting yourself from potential risks? July is named as the Ultraviolet (UV) Safety month. Awareness must be raised on the importance of skin and eye protection from the harmful effects of UV rays. The goal is to permanently change habits and consider defending yourself from UV all year long. UV light is a form of radiation energy mainly emitted by the sun. UV radiation wavelengths are from 10nm to 400nm, which is shorter than visible light. UV light...
Posted by KAM TUNG IP
Ever since the first smartphone was presented by Apple, our lives and habits have changed, becoming more dependent on these digital electronic devices. On both a personal and workplace environment, television screens, tablets, smartphones and computers are used every day for up to 12 hours. These devices have become the backbone of how we receive and transmit information. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many adults are asked to work from home, if possible. Children are home schooled by joining e-meeting sessions with their teachers because schools are shutdown. Exposure to multiple digital devices increase. North Americans use digital devices for 2+...
Posted by KAM TUNG IP
Did you know cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss or blindness in the world? According to The Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), more than 2.5 million Canadians have them. That is quite a number. Losing vision is a scary ordeal, which is why we should learn as much as possible about them and prepare yourself with proper information, instead of feeling defeat or nervous. Here are some basic facts. Eye with Severe Cataract Vs. Eye Without Cataract What are cataracts? A cataract is described as a clouding of the crystalline lens in the eye, which...
Posted by KAM TUNG IP
Did you know that 1 in 7 Canadians will develop a serious eye disease in their lifetime? Every 12 minutes, a Canadian develops a problem with their vision. There are more than 836,000 Canadians who have significant loss of vision. Everyone is born with only a pair of eyes and they work together to give you the maximum depth of perception. Losing vision, or one eye affects your balance, affects visual clarity, brightness, and ability to see vivid colours. We require the sensory system to enjoy life and maximize our experience with the surrounding environment. Vision is extremely important to...
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